
What is IWC?

This fed is going to be a RP/Angle fed. What I mean by that is most matches will be decided by the grades of the role plays. There will be matches sacrificed to build angles and feuds. If you follow the fed you should be able to tell who is the #1 contenders. Champions will have some leeway in if they want to be a true fighting champion (most of their matches are for titles), a standard champ (about every other match is for the title) or forced champ (only defend it when forced to). In the next few days I will be posting info on the staff and making more as needed. I will accept grades from anyone who wants to send them to me. In another post I laid out how I expect them to be submitted. If they are submitted wrong I will not accept them and send you a PM back on why they were rejected. I will never grade a match I am in unless my characters are in only for a story reason. I will also never actively try to become champion unless there is a reason. The federation is inter gender. Meaning women compete with men. (I might if enough women join I might do a story forcing a women division {an idea I had come to me} but if I do keep in mind it would just be a story and would end after a couple of months at most.)

The number of active characters for titles are. We will have a world title no matter what. When we hit ten I will include a United States Championship. It will carry the same gimmick as the original WCW US Title. When you defend it three times you earn a World title shot after you lose the US gold (which has to be for story reasons or in a genuine match.) If you no show to lose the belt your shot will be pushed back and maybe lost. With fourteen people I will add in a European Title. It will be the lowest title in the fed. I will add a Tag title if there are at least four teams. If I do add a Tag Title it will not go away unless we lose a lot of people. I also will add a Hardcore title if I see enough character types to justify one. So there could at one time be six titles. I would want at least twenty people for all the titles to be active. You are limited to three characters. You can make a tag team of your own (meaning you control both characters of the team.) and it will only count as one of your three characters in the thread unless you will also take them into single action


How Often will Our Shows be run?

Every 2 weeks

How many wrestlers can I have at one time?

You can have up to 3 characters (4 if it is tag teams)  but don’t go overboard. Quality, not quantity as the old saying goes. Only take on what you think you can handle.

How are roleplays graded? 

Relevancy – This is the most important thing. What is going on with your character in the ring? What is going on in their lives? We need to know. This is the highest points available. Do it right.

Realism – If you couldn’t get away with it in real life you should think twice about it here too.

Originality – Be original. You are not playing as CM Punk, Undertaker or the Rock. Create someone from your own imagination. Use a variety of people. There are dozens of people in our lives. Unless they live with you the same character would not always be around.

Enjoyment – Self explanatory, how much did you enjoy the RP you just read?

Grades will be based off of these guidelines.

Relevancy is worth a max of 25 points
Realism is worth a max of 10
Originality is worth a max of 10
Enjoyment is worth a max of 5.

Do you have a RP limit per show?

There will be one RP per weekly show.

For the PPV’s there will be a two RP limit, meaning no more than two but only one RP is required.

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